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Accessibility Standard for Customer Service

PURPOSE: The Jim Pattison Auto Group (“JPAG”) is committed to complying with the Accessibility Standard for Customer Service under the Accessibility for Manitobans Act; providing equal customer service for people with disabilities. Including identifying, removing and preventing barriers for people with disabilities in obtaining, using and benefitting from our services and facilities.

SCOPE: This policy applies to all employees, volunteers and management in the province of Manitoba.

Examples of barriers:
a) A physical barrier;
b) An architectural barrier;
c) An information or communications barrier;
d) An attitudinal barrier;
e) A technological barrier; and
f) A barrier established or perpetuated by an enactment, a policy or practice.

POLICY: This policy outlines the roles and responsibilities of JPAG and its employees with respect to The Accessibility for Manitobans Act Customer Service Standard Regulation and applies to employees who represent JPAG.


1) Communication – We meet the communication needs of our customers

  • When needed we offer communication in different ways, such as writing things down, reading things out loud, and taking additional time to explain things.
  • Our publications may be available in alternate formats upon request.
  • Our signs and documents are in plain language.

2) Assistive Devices – We accommodate the use of assistive devices

  • The provision and safe use of an assistive device is the sole responsibility of the person using the assistive device. We do not touch or move customers assistive devices without permission.
  • In cases where the assistive device presents significant and unavoidable health or safety concerns, we attempt to use other measures to ensure the person with disabilities can access our goods and services.

3) Support Persons – We welcome support persons

  • We address the customer and not the support person, unless requested by the customer to do otherwise.
  • We make space for support persons on-site and ensure customers always have access to their support persons.

4) Service Animals – We allow service animals

  • We treat a service animal as a working animal
  • In cases where the service animal presents significant and unavoidable health or safety concerns, we attempt to use other measures to ensure the person with disabilities can access our goods and services.
  • The person who is accompanied by a service animal is solely responsible for the care, control, safety and clean-up of the service animal at all times.

5) Accessibility Features – We maintain our accessibility features

  • We ensure our automatic doors are working properly.
  • We organize our facilities to accommodate wheelchairs, electric scooters, walkers, etc.
  • We keep our entrances and walkways clear of clutter, snow and ice.
  • We keep hallways, reception areas, and waiting rooms clear of clutter.
  • We pick up and drop off vehicles at our customers’ homes if they are not able to do so.

6) Temporary Disruption – We let the public know when and why an accessibility feature is temporarily unavailable

  • We prepare and post a notice about the disruption; including the reason for the disruption, how long it will last, and whether there are other ways we can provide access to our goods and services.
  • We let the public know about disruptions by posting on our websites, through our appointment booking business centre and on our facility entrances, at reception desks and in high traffic areas.

7) Accessible Customer Service Feedback – We welcome and respond promptly to feedback

  • Customers who wish to provide feedback may do so by contacting us:
    • By mail: HR Department, 15393 Guildford Drive, Surrey, BC V3R 0H9
    • By telephone: 604-579-0348
    • By email: hr@jpautogroup.com
  • We will document the actions we take to respond to the feedback we receive.
  • We respond to feedback in the way that meets the communication need of the customer.
  • We will respond to feedback within 10 business days.

8) Training – We provide the required training on accessible customer service

  • We provide the required training on accessible customer service to employees and management.
  • We train new employees and management within two weeks of hire.
  • Training is offered annually to all employees.
  • Human Resources keeps record of all training certificates and policy sign offs.

9) Digital Record – We keep a digital record of accessibility and training policies

  • We keep a summary of our training materials and when training was completed.
  • We let the public know through our websites that our policies are available upon request and at no cost.